Publishing Your Site Using Dreamweaver in cPanel

You can use Adobe Dreamweaver to design your website, then publish it to your hosting account. Before publishing a site from Dreamweaver, you need to define the site properties, that is, you need to tell Dreamweaver where your site files are located on your computer, and to specify the server to which you want to publish the site. To define a site in Dreamweaver:

  1. 1. From the Site menu, choose New Site. The Site Definition screen opens.
  2. 2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. 3. In the Local Info category, specify the following:
    • - Site name. This will show in Web browser's title bar.
    • - Local root folder. This is the folder on your computer where all of your site files are stored. For examplec:\My Site
    • - Default images folder. Specify the folder where your site's graphic files are stored. For examplec:\My Site\images
    • - HTTP address. Specify your domain name. For example,
  4. 4. From the Category menu, select the Remote Info item.
  5. 5. From the Access menu, select the FTP option. Most likely, your server supports publishing through FTP (File Transfer Protocol, commonly used for transferring files over the Internet).
  6. 6. Specify the following settings:
    • - FTP host. Type your FTP host name without the ftp:// prefix. For example,
    • - Host directory. Specify the directory on the server where your site will reside. In most cases, this is public_html.
    • - Login and password. Specify the login name and password that your provider gave you.
    • - Use passive FTP. Select this option only if your computer is behind a firewall.
  7. 7. To ensure that you specified the correct login and password, and that Dreamweaver can connect to the server, click the Test button.
  8. 8. To save the settings, click OK.

To publish your site:

  1. 1. Open your site in Dreamweaver.
  2. 2. From the Site menu, select the Put option
  3. 3. Wait while your files are being published; within a few minutes you, you will be able to view your published changes on your site.
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