Add additional contacts / emails

There are times when you may need to add additional users or address to your account. This is a guide on how to add contacts.

Add additional contacts / emails

To add another contact or email address to your account you will first need to sign into our Client Area via the Login button near the top right of our homepage.

Once logged in, you will see your contact information and any other contacts displayed on the left-hand side with an option to Update at the bottom. Below the main contact information, you will see any sub-accounts that are set up. You will also see an option to add a New Contact. Click this button to add a new contact.

You will now be on the page where you can fill in the requested contact information. If you want this contact to be able to log into your account, check the Activate Sub-Account option and select the account permissions.

Once completed click Save Changes near the top to add the new contact.

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