Accessing your cPanel


Your cPanel is used to manage most of your domain and web hosting services, anything from website mainenance to creating and managing email accounts. Accessing your cPanel is the first step in creating your new web presence. Here is how to access your cPanel.


Accessing through your client area

The first and easiest way to access your cPanel is through your client area. You can access your client area here. You will need your client area credentials.

Once logged into your client area:

  1. Click on the Services block
  2. Click on your webhosting service that you are trying to access (click anywhere on the bar besides the domain name, this will take you to the website)
  3. Once the service page loads, you should see a menu on the left called Actions.
  4. In the Actions menu click on Login to cpanel

Using this method, you do not need the cPanel credentials.

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Obtaining your cPanel credentials

You can also access your cPanel directly using your domain name or the server name, if you know it. You can access your user name in your client area. You can also update your cPanel password there as well.

To access the credentials, you first need to access your client area here. You will need your client area credentials.

cPanel Username

To access your cPanel username, you need to access your cPanel first see above. Once you log into your cPanel, you will see the cPanel username listed in the account summery on the right hand side. It will be listed under the General Information section under Current User. Record this username for your notes.

cPanel Password

While you cannot recover your cPanel password (it is encrypted on the server), you can update it in your client area. You can access your client area here. You will need your client area credentials.

Once logged into your client area:

  1. Click on the Services block
  2. Click on your webhosting service that you are trying to access (click anywhere on the bar besides the domain name, this will take you to the website)
  3. Once the service page loads, you should see a menu on the left called Actions.
  4. In the Actions menu click on Change Password
  5. Enter your password in both fields and click Save Changes

Or, if you are already in the cPanel, you can access it in the Preferences section.

  1. Scroll down to the Preferences section
  2. Click on Password & Security

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Accessing the cPanel directly

You can also access your cPanel directly using your domain name or the server name, if you know if. If you do not know the server name you can contact support to obtain it. You will need your cPanel credentials to use this method (see above).

Once you have your credentials, you can access your cPanel directly using any of the following URLs

Using your domain name

As long as your domain name A record is pointing to our server, you can use the following links (replace with your domain)


Using the server name

If your domain is not pointed to our servers, you can use the server name in place of your domain name. For this example, we will use as the server name.


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If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out to our support staff by putting in a ticket.

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