Email Setup - Thunderbird

Thunderbird is one of the most common, open source mail clients around. Made be the same team that made Firefox, Thunderbird is also one of the most stable mail clients out there.


Before you start

You need to first set up your email address in cPanel. You can find information on that process here. Make a note of your email address and your email password so you can reference them when you go through the instructions.

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Setting up a new account

If this is the first time running the App, it will open to the Account Setup page. Otherwise, it will open at the Inbox.

Accessing the "Add Account" section

There are a few ways to get to the Account Setup page.

  1. If there is an account set up already, you can left-click on the email address to bring up the menu in the mail page. From here you can click on Email in the Set Up Another Account section.
  2. You can click on the menu icon to the right of the search box, near the top of the screen. Under New, select Existing Mail Account....
  3. If you like taking the scenic route, you can right-click on an existing email address and click on Settings. In the settings section, you can click on Account Actions an select Add Mail Account from the drop down menu.

Adding the account

Regardless how you got there, you should now be at the Set Up Your Existing Email Address page.

  1. Your full name: this is what will show when you send emails, can be whatever you like
  2. Email address: the full email address (including the domain name)
  3. Password: the email Address
  4. Once you have these fields entered, you should see Configure manually. Clicking this option to open the Manual configuration section.
  5. Incoming Server:
    • Protocol: choose IMAP (keep messages synced to the server) or POP (download messages locally)
    • Hostname: (replace with your domain)
    • Port: 995 for POP, 993 for IMAP (note that you can type these in rather then using the arrows)
    • Connection Security: set to SSL/TLS
    • Authentication method: set to Normal password
    • Username: the full email address
  6. Outgoing Server:
    • Hostname: (replace with your domain)
    • Port: 465 (note that you can type these in rather then using the arrows)
    • Connection Security: set to SSL/TLS
    • Authentication method: set to Normal password
    • Username: the full email address
  7. Once all this information is added, click on Done to add the account.

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Modifying an existing account

To check the settings for an account set up in Thunderbird, you need to access the Account Settings page. There is a few ways to access this page.

  1. The easiest method of accessing the settings is by right-clicking on the email address in the left-hand column and clicking on Settings
  2. You can also click on the menu icon to the right of the search box, near the top of the screen. Click on Account Settings

Once you get to the Account Settings page, you should see a list of accounts and options on the left hand menu, with the associated fields on the right. First, correct the incoming settings, and then take a look at the outgoing Settings

Incoming settings

To a access the incoming settings, click on Server Settings, directly below the email address you are working on. You only need to concern yourself with the first two sections.

  1. Server Settings
    • Server Type: this will either be POP or IMAP and cannot be changed
    • Server Name: (replace with your domain)
    • Port: 995 for POP, 993 for IMAP (note that you can type these in rather then using the arrows)
    • User Name: the full email address
  2. Security Settings
    • Connection security: SSL/TLS
    • Authentication method: Normal password

If you only needed to update the incoming settings, you can now close the Accounts Settings screen. You may now be prompted for the email password. Enter the account password and you should be good to go.

Outgoing settings

To access the outgoing settings, click on Outgoing Server (SMTP) at the bottom of the left hand column. You should now see a list of all of the SMTP servers set up in this app. Click on the server you are looking to update to highlight it and click on the Edit... button. You should see a window pop up with the server settings.

  1. Settings
    • Description: this describes the server in the app, can be whatever you like
    • Server Name: (replace with your domain)
    • Port: 465 (note that you can type these in rather then using the arrows)
  2. Security and Authentication
    • Connection security: SSL/TLS
    • Authentication method: Normal password
    • User Name: the full email Address
  3. Click OK to save the changes.

You may be prompted to enter the account password the next time you send an email. It is a good idea to send a test email now so you can ensure the password is updated. Once you enter it correctly, Thunderbird will remember it.

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Still having issues

It is rare that there is ever any issues with Thunderbird once it is set up correctly. There was an issue recently where an update caused the incoming Authentication method to change to MD5 Encryption, but that seems to have been fixed.

If you cannot get the account to work, you may try the usual steps of restarting the app, and then the machine itself if the issues persist. If you are still having issues, you can try removing the account and add it back in, but this should only be done with IMAP accounts.

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If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out to our support staff by putting in a ticket.

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